Project Manager Interview Questions Every Candidate Should Ask

Project Manager Interview Questions Every Candidate Should Ask

Learning to ask detailed project manager interview questions is essential to understanding the job opportunity you are considering and showing your interest in the company. While it’s best if your questions can be answered during the interview, asking them at the end is often likely. However, many candidates’ challenges are determining what types of questions they should ask.

At MatchBuilt, we’ve helped 100s of job seekers find new jobs, and in this post, we share potential questions you can ask during a project manager interview to better understand the position you are considering. Use these questions to create more dialogue while demonstrating your knowledge and interest during an interview. Try not to be a robot and rifle through these questions without appropriate follow-up comments or more questions on the subject.

Ask these questions when interviewing for a project manager position:

  • What are some of the goals of the project or the division for the next few years?
  • Are there any specific obstacles to attaining these goals?
  • How do you measure that someone is successful in this role?
  • What is the employee performance review process?
  • What opportunities are there for professional growth and development?
  • What do you love most about working here?
  • What goals will I be expected to meet in the first three months?
  • Can you tell me more about the team I’ll be working with?
  • What can you tell me about the position that isn’t listed in the job posting
  • What’s the most challenging aspect of this job?

project manager interview preparation

Construction Project Manager Interview Questions You Should Ask

No matter how qualified you may be for a building materials job or a residential construction project management job, a good interview with few mistakes is essential to land it. An interview is a perfect opportunity to gain more information about the position you’re applying for, the company, and the people you’ll interact with daily.

Asking the right questions will help you determine whether the job suits you. Also, it will show the interviewer that you’ve done your research and are invested in the position. Not only is the interviewer assessing you, but you should also be assessing the company. Ask a few choice questions with two things in mind: what will help me stand out against other candidates? And what will help me decide whether I want to work at this company or not?

Use These Project Manager Interview Questions as a Guide, Not a Script

At the end of an interview, and in most cases, the interviewer may ask if you have any questions. A blunt “no” will likely be a turn-off and could send the wrong message. On the other hand, asking the right questions will convey interest and intelligence, increasing the likelihood of getting a callback.

  • The questions below should assist you in creating questions that are best for the role and organization you are interviewing with.
  • Use these questions to create more dialogue while demonstrating your genuine interest in the job.
  • Don’t be a robot and rifle through these questions without appropriate follow-up comments or more questions on the subject.
  • Don’t ask a question already covered earlier during the interview.

Get to Know the Division or Project Better

The hiring manager will ask if you have questions at the end of an interview, and a blunt “no” will most likely be a turn-off and send the wrong message. On the other hand, asking the right project manager interview questions will convey interest and intelligence and increases the likelihood that you’ll get a callback.

Below are a few examples of thought-provoking questions. By asking these or similar questions, you’ll come across as a driven employee that will be an asset to the company:

What are some of the goals of the project or the division for the next few years?

This is an excellent opportunity to learn about their unit volume, cycle time, customer search priorities, etc.

Are there any specific obstacles to attaining these goals?

While this question may help you learn about a challenge you may not be aware of, it’ll also allow you to point out how you might be able to address them.

How do you measure that someone is successful in this role?

This question shows passion and that you’re already thinking about being the best in your role.

What is the employee performance review process?

Being concerned about how you’ll be assessed indicates that you’re goal-oriented, which is what hiring managers are looking for.

What opportunities are there for professional growth and development?

Motivation is an attractive quality in a future employee. Inquiring about future opportunities shows that you’re invested in the company and in it for the long haul.

What do you love most about working here?

This question gives the interviewer a chance to talk about himself. This is something everyone loves. With this one, you can also learn a lot about the company’s inner workings. Make sure you do your research about the company as well as the interviewer before the interview. That way, when asking the interviewer about themselves, you can mention a few of their professional achievements.

project manager questions to ask

Gather More Information About the Construction Job

Aside from making a good impression and showcasing your qualifications, you’d want to know as much as possible about the position you’re applying for. These are a few questions that will help you get a feel for things like the company’s values, the skills needed for the job, and the challenges you may face:

What are the day-to-day responsibilities of this job?

Questions about daily objectives will give you an idea about a typical workday, if not covered earlier in the interview, at the company so you can decide whether or not you’re up for it.

What goals will I be expected to meet in the first three months?

Knowing what will be expected of you in terms of goals will give you a sense of how stressful the job may get.

Can you tell me more about the team I’ll be working with?

The workplace tension between co-workers can affect your performance and even make you dread going to work. Knowing who you’ll be working with is essential to decide whether you’ll accept or decline the job offer if it’s extended.

What can you tell me about the position that isn’t listed in the job posting?

This question will give you a more in-depth understanding of your role to determine if you’re a good fit.

What’s the most challenging aspect of this job?

This is another good question to help you gauge how difficult or stressful the job will get. It will also give you a chance to think ahead about how you’ll be able to overcome those challenges.

project manager interview questions to ask employer

Project Manager Interview Questions Bottom Line

An interview is an excellent opportunity to gain more information about the construction project management job you’re applying for, the company, and the people you’ll interact with daily. Remember, the questions you ask and those you don’t can give the interviewer as much information about you as your answers to their questions. So make sure to do your research, prepare your questions, and, most important of all, be yourself! In addition to knowing what questions to ask, you’ll want to be prepared to handle questions that come your way.

Our feature on behavioral interview questions and answers for management positions can get you started. We’re jam-packed with other tips regarding evidence-based recruiting practices, preparing for a Skype or Zoom interview, and tips for your LinkedIn profile.

Are you getting ready to resign? Try to leave without burning bridges.

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