5 Mental Traps That Will Derail Your Career Development

5 Mental Traps That Will Derail Your Career Development

Mental traps are intricate patterns of thinking that can subtly divert us from the path of well-being and undermine our overall success. These traps manifest in diverse forms, ranging from emotional reasoning to catastrophization, and they possess the power to affect anyone, even accomplished individuals in the building industry. Being mindful of these pitfalls is crucial to navigating them effectively.

At MatchBuilt, we deeply understand the significance of evading mental traps and fostering constructive thought patterns. Through collaboration with leading professionals in the building industry, we facilitate the discovery of exceptional talent and the construction of robust, triumphant teams. We acknowledge that mental traps can influence individuals and organizations alike, and we remain steadfast in offering unwavering support and expert guidance to aid our clients in surmounting these challenges.

In addition to mental traps such as emotional reasoning, blaming, and catastrophization, three more critical cognitive pitfalls deserve attention:

Black-and-White Thinking: The allure of black-and-white thinking can oversimplify complexities, potentially leading to flawed judgments and missed opportunities for innovative solutions.

Overgeneralization: The treacherous trap of overgeneralization can compel us to draw sweeping conclusions based on isolated adverse incidents, distorting our outlook and hampering resilience in the face of adversity.

Mind Reading: Succumbing to mind reading involves assuming we possess insight into the thoughts and feelings of others without concrete evidence, fostering misunderstandings, straining relationships, and inducing unwarranted stress.

Author Anna Borges astutely identified these five mental traps in her enlightening book, “The More or Less Definitive Guide to Self-Care,” and highlighted them in a CNBC article. While these traps might insidiously influence us, exemplary individuals in the building industry demonstrate the potential to recognize and circumvent them, ultimately yielding more positive outcomes for themselves and their enterprises.

In today’s dynamic and demanding business landscape, steering clear of mental traps assumes unparalleled importance. Through a partnership with MatchBuilt, companies can access invaluable resources and expertise essential for constructing resilient, high-achieving teams primed to conquer any obstacle.

What are the most critical mental traps to avoid at work?

  1. Emotional Reasoning
  2. Blaming
  3. Catastrophization
  4. The Fallacy of Fairness
  5. Personalization

emotional reasoning at work

5 Mental Traps To Avoid at Work

A CNBC article about mental traps that successful people never fall for has some great points to remember as you navigate your career in building materials or residential construction.  The article discusses how our brains “are wired to make sense of things by drawing connections between thoughts, ideas, actions, and consequences.”  But unfortunately, those often end up being wrong, negative, or even misleading.

Author Anna Borges learned that these instances are called cognitive distortions and can cause us to perceive reality differently than it is supposed to be.  Successful people have learned how to recognize and avoid these errors.  For her book, “The More or Less Definitive Guide to Self-Care,” Anna met with psychologists to learn about these distortions and how they can get in the way of hitting her goals.

Below are the five mental traps that successful people always need to be aware of that Anna learned during her interviews and how to overcome them.  As you read through these, consider how you handle and absorb situations in the office and the field.

1. Emotional Reasoning

Emotional reasoning is a mental trap that can lead us to make decisions based solely on our emotions rather than facts or evidence. It involves the belief that our feelings accurately reflect reality, even when there may be evidence to the contrary.

For example, someone who experiences anxiety about a work presentation may believe that their anxiety means they are unprepared or will fail, even if they have rehearsed extensively and are well-prepared. This type of reasoning can be particularly insidious because it feels so convincing – after all, our emotions are real and powerful experiences.

However, successful people recognize the danger of emotional reasoning and actively work to avoid it. They may seek objective feedback or take steps to address the underlying causes of their emotions rather than simply accepting them as truth. By doing so, they can make more informed decisions and avoid being held back by their emotions.

Ultimately, recognizing emotional reasoning as a mental trap can be a powerful personal and professional growth tool. By separating our emotions from objective reality, we can make more rational and effective decisions and achieve greater success in our endeavors.

Emotional reasoning can often cause us to make poor choices. In his 2015 letter to shareholders, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos warned against letting emotions overwhelm you when making important decisions rather than taking a step back and trying to learn what you can about a problem.

“Some decisions are consequential and irreversible or nearly irreversible,” he wrote. “These decisions must be made methodically, carefully, slowly, with great deliberation and consultation.”

To combat emotional reasoning, cognitive therapists suggest asking yourself questions like, “What are the facts that support my emotionally based determination?” Or, “Is it possible that my feelings are clouded by some bias that ought to be reevaluated?” – Anna Borges

2. Blaming

Blaming is a common mental trap that can hold us back in our personal and professional lives. When we blame others for our mistakes, we fail to take responsibility for our actions and miss out on opportunities for growth and learning. Successful people recognize the importance of accountability and strive to avoid the blaming trap.

Blaming can manifest in many ways, from shifting the responsibility for a project’s failure onto a colleague to blaming external circumstances for our shortcomings. It’s essential to recognize that while external factors may contribute to our challenges, we are ultimately responsible for our actions and outcomes.

Successful people take ownership of their mistakes and strive to learn from them. They understand that blaming others creates tension and erodes trust, while taking responsibility can lead to stronger relationships and better outcomes. By avoiding the blaming trap, successful people foster a culture of accountability and empower themselves and their teams to succeed.

In the building industry, accountability is critical, as mistakes can have significant consequences. By avoiding the blaming trap, successful leaders can create a culture of responsibility and foster a collaborative and productive environment. By owning their actions and outcomes, they set an example for others to follow and build solid, resilient teams capable of overcoming any challenge.

We often blame others because it helps us “preserve our sense of self-esteem by avoiding awareness of our flaws or failings,” according to Susan Whitbourne, a Professor Emerita of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

But failing to take responsibility for the consequences of your behavior means you’re not learning from your mistakes. And growing through your experiences, especially the unpleasant ones, is crucial to success. – Anna Borges

mental wellness at work

3. Catastrophization

Successful individuals know that catastrophizing is an incredibly harmful mental trap. When catastrophizing, you tend to magnify adverse events and anticipate the worst possible outcomes. This can lead to helplessness, anxiety, and even depression.

However, successful people have learned to recognize when they are catastrophizing and take steps to avoid this trap. Instead of dwelling on worst-case scenarios, they focus on practical solutions and positive outcomes. They know that catastrophizing only leads to unnecessary stress and wasted energy, which can detract from their ability to be productive and successful.

Moreover, successful individuals understand that catastrophizing can have a ripple effect on their teams and organizations. When leaders constantly anticipate disaster, it can create a culture of fear and negativity. This can erode morale, decrease productivity, and even cause employees to disengage or leave.

By avoiding the trap of catastrophization, successful individuals are better equipped to face challenges and build resilience. They can maintain a sense of perspective and focus on finding solutions instead of getting bogged down in negative thinking. Ultimately, this mindset allows them to be more productive, effective, and successful in all areas of their lives.

Researchers have found that fear, especially irrational fear, plays a big part in catastrophizing. But always anticipating the worst possible outcome is far from practical. Studies show that it can lead to anxiety and depression. – Anna Borges

4. Fallacy of Fairness

Regarding success, the fallacy of fairness can be a significant stumbling block. This mental trap involves believing that every outcome needs to be fair and that any deviation from this standard is unacceptable. While it’s natural to want fairness and justice in our lives, the reality is that the world is not always fair, and factors beyond our control can influence outcomes.

Successful individuals in the building industry have learned to recognize the fallacy of fairness and avoid falling into this trap. They understand that pursuing fairness can sometimes distract them from achieving their goals and that focusing on what they can control is more productive.

By letting go of the fallacy of fairness, successful people can approach challenges with a more evident mindset and take more strategic actions. They recognize that while outcomes may not always be fair, they can still work towards their goals and achieve success through hard work and determination.

Ultimately, the fallacy of fairness can be a significant barrier to success but can be overcome. By recognizing this mental trap and shifting their focus to the things they can control, successful individuals in the building industry can thrive in a challenging and competitive business environment.

When engaged in the fallacy of fairness, you’re more likely to feel angry, resentful, or hopeless.

Psychology professors at Brigham Young University-Idaho suggest that stating your feelings as preferences can help change your feelings about a situation.

So, instead of being consumed by bitterness, tell yourself: “It would be nice to get a promotion, but I don’t always have control over that. Perhaps I can talk to my boss about how I can get one next year.” – Anna Borges

5. Personalization

Successful people understand that personalization is a mental trap that can undermine their confidence and self-worth. When faced with a setback or failure, it’s easy to blame oneself for everything, even when there is no basis for doing so. This thinking can be debilitating and prevent individuals from taking necessary risks or pursuing new opportunities.

However, successful people have learned to recognize when they are falling into the trap of personalization and take steps to avoid it. They understand that personalization is not only unproductive but can also be damaging to their mental health and overall well-being. By acknowledging that not everything is within their control and that bad outcomes can be due to various factors, successful individuals can maintain a healthy perspective and confidently move forward.

Ultimately, avoiding the trap of personalization is critical to success in both personal and professional life. By recognizing the limits of one’s control and taking responsibility only for those things within it, individuals can free themselves from unnecessary guilt and focus their energy on positive growth and progress. Successful people understand this and have developed the skills and mindset needed to navigate this mental trap and overcome any challenge that comes their way.

Psychologists have found that personalization can lead to guilt, shame, and inadequacy. To work through this cognitive distortion, could you take a step back and consider what part you played in the situation? Then, consider how you might not be entirely to blame.

By looking at things from an outsider’s perspective, you may discover various factors at play and that the outcome is not a direct reflection of you. – Anna Borges

mental traps at work

Mental Traps Demystified: FAQs from Successful Leaders

By understanding these traps and learning how to avoid them, you can take control of your career and reach your full potential. Let’s answer some of the most common questions about mental traps that can hinder your career development and provide tips on overcoming them.

How can emotional reasoning be a mental trap for successful individuals?

Emotional reasoning can lead individuals to make decisions based on their feelings rather than facts, which can be detrimental to their success. It's important to recognize when emotions cloud judgment and to take a step back to evaluate the situation objectively.

What is the impact of personalization on one's confidence and self-worth?

Personalization can undermine an individual's confidence and self-worth by causing them to take responsibility for everything, even when it's not their fault. This kind of thinking can be debilitating and prevent individuals from taking necessary risks or pursuing new opportunities.

How can companies support their employees in avoiding mental traps?

Companies can support their employees by providing resources and training on mental wellness, promoting a healthy work-life balance, and fostering a culture of open communication and collaboration. By prioritizing mental wellness, companies can help their employees avoid mental traps and build a strong, successful team.

What role does self-awareness play in avoiding mental traps?

Self-awareness is key to avoiding mental traps as it allows individuals to recognize when they are falling into negative patterns of thinking. By being aware of their thoughts and emotions, individuals can take steps to address these patterns and develop healthier ways of thinking.

What are some practical steps that individuals can take to avoid mental traps?

One practical step is to practice mindfulness and self-reflection. This involves taking a step back from a situation and objectively evaluating one's thoughts and emotions. Another step is to challenge negative thinking patterns by reframing them more positively. Seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional can also be helpful in avoiding mental traps.

Can mental traps have a long-term impact on an individual's mental health?

Yes, mental traps can have a long-term impact on an individual's mental health. For example, catastrophizing can lead to chronic stress and anxiety, which can also negatively impact physical health. Personalization can lead to low self-esteem and depression, and emotional reasoning can cause individuals to overlook positive aspects of their lives.

The Importance of Mental Wellness in Building Strong, Successful Teams

Mental traps can impact anyone, regardless of their level of success. However, by being aware of these thinking patterns and taking steps to address them, individuals can maintain a healthy perspective and avoid unnecessary setbacks.

At MatchBuilt, we recognize the importance of avoiding mental traps and supporting our clients in building strong, successful teams. By partnering with top building industry professionals and providing guidance on mental wellness, we help companies navigate these challenges and achieve their goals.

Through the insights shared by author Anna Borges and successful individuals in the building industry, it’s clear that recognizing and avoiding mental traps is essential for success in today’s fast-paced and challenging business environment.

Breaking Free from Mental Traps: Expert Insights in Video